Become Serbian Armed Forces pilot, make your dreams come true
The Ministry of Defence invites all interested candidates who are no older than 27 by the end of 2024 and who own a bachelor’s degree from civilian faculties to apply for specialized reserve officers’ training, become aviation officers and be awarded the title of pilot.

Upon completion of a six-month training, the most successful candidates will get the chance to join the professional military service straightaway and to continue their flight training as aviation officers. Candidates who wish to become remotely piloted aircraft pilots/operators do not have to undergo selective parachute and flight training.
Candidates can submit their applications at the Ministry of Defence centres, Post Office branches or at the eUprava portal.

Link to the competition: https://www.mod.gov.rs/cir/20915/javni-oglas-za-prijavu-kandidata-za-slusaoce-vojnostrucnog-osposobljavanja-za-rezervne-oficire-vojske-srbije-roda-avijacije20915