Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Training of Soldiers in Military Police Units

Military Police battalions of the Army are conducting training for the soldiers who started their voluntary military service in September last year.
In line with their specialities, they are now trained to perform collective tasks in Military Police units, after having successfully completed their four-month individual training in Training Command centres.

The focus is placed on practising tactical actions and procedures, and applying the authorisation of the Military Police in various situations, using combat vehicles and modern arms and equipment used in the units of Serbian Armed Forces Military Police. 
In this phase, the soldiers learn the basic close combat techniques, and they undergo a demanding physical training, while actively participating in the execution of daily unit activities. The objective is to have physically capable soldiers after the completion of the training, who are well trained and motivated to work in Military Police units.

For those who wish to become professional members of the Serbian Armed Forces, conditions are created for them to go through necessary selection even during their voluntary military service, so that, once they complete it, they can immediately start their professional military service.