Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Basic Flying Training for Aviation Branch Officers

Attenders of military specialist training for reserve officers of Aviation branch are undergoing basic flying training at the military airfield “Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović” in Batajnica.

This is a supplementary model of training for Serbian Armed Forces pilots, which lasts about seven months, and it can be attended by persons under the age of 27 who have previously completed their university education.

The flying training is carried out on aeroplanes “Lasta” and helicopters “Gazelle”, and it is held by flying teachers and instructors from 204th Air Brigade.

In this phase, the future pilots have undergone on ground preparation, which includes familiarisation with characteristics of the aircraft and their elements, piloting techniques, and content pertaining to aerodynamics and meteorology, and now, under their instructor’s guidance, they are undergoing training in the air.

Upon the completion of their basic flying training, they will be takeover their duties in air units of the Serbian Armed Forces and start the training in navigation and group flying, as well as flying by instruments and flying by night in order to be fully trained for the type of the aircraft for which they have been selected and gain the title of Serbian Armed Forces pilots.

Citizens of the Republic of Serbia who have completed their university studies and who wish to become Serbian Armed Forces pilots will have an opportunity to apply as early as next March, when a competition will be opened for the admission of a new generation of attenders of the military specialist training for reserve officers of the Aviation branch.