Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Training Command Day

The Training Command Day - 15th January, was festively marked today in the barracks “Topčider” in Belgrade, in memory of the day back in 1883 when the Law on the Organisation of Armed Forces was passed, which defined for the first time the principles for the recruitment and training of soldiers doing military service.

On the occasion of this holiday, which has been marked for the first time, the most deserving individuals received recognitions, and a presentation was held on key achievements for building capabilities of this operational unit of the Serbian Armed Forces, responsible for individual training of all categories of personnel, and development of Territorial forces.

In the overview of the achieved results, it was underlined that the Training Command successfully performed all tasks, giving significant contribution to the enhancement of competence of Serbian Armed Forces members through all-year-long training of professional and reserve component, thus contributing to the overall combat readiness of units and the Serbian Armed Forces as a whole.

The ceremony in Topčider was attended by representatives of organisational units of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, companies and institutions with which there is successful cooperation, as well as numerous other guests.