Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

President Vučić: Arming the so-called Kosovo Security Forces Contravenes UN SC Resolution 1244

Today, President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić, together with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević, visited the On-duty Operations Centre of the Military Security Agency.

After the tour, President Vučić stated that the undermining of the international legal order through further armament of the so-called Kosovo Security Forces, which is not only announced as a decision to be passed in the US Congress, but takes place almost daily by means of other countries, aims, contravening Resolution 1233 and United Nations Charter, not only at obliterating any trace of the existence of the Republic of Serbia in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, but to remove the Serbian people all together. 

- Statements of some so-called Kosovo officials unequivocally confirm that their sole objective is the destruction of the Serbian people. When you brag that every patrol will carry long guns, you are sending an unambiguous, crystal clear message that there is no room for the Serbs there, since it is well-known fact which units have the right and possibility to carry long guns, and which units can never carry them. You will have traffic police carrying long guns only to make the Serbs feel insecure - President Vučić explained. 

According to him, Priština has the fastest growing budget for the military and police forces that cannot exist according to international public law, and he added that over last four years, the budget was increased by more than double both for the so-called armed forces and the so-called police.

- The so-called Kosovo Security Forces are being transformed in line with the plan of the United States of America, and under their guidance they are to reach 5,500 members, with possible creation of the reserve consisting of 20,000 soldiers, which is why Priština considers introducing mandatory conscription. By 2027, those armed forces should be armed, apart from light weapons, with more than 350 fighting armoured vehicles, helicopters, anti-armour guided missiles, mortars, howitzers, anti-aircraft systems, reconnaissance tactical combat aircraft and drones. They are predominantly equipped by the United States of America, Turkey, and Federal Republic of Germany - said President Vučić adding that Turkey is the most dominant in terms of the scale of equipping.

The President of Serbia underlined that everything that they are doing is completely illegal according to the Resolution 1244, and, speaking about the paragraphs of the Resolution, he confirmed that there cannot exist any such group of armed Albanians.

- The only thing that we can do is to point out to the world that, in this way, they are brutally violating the international public law, and they are not at all interested when they tell you that they advocate for the order of the United Nations. They are lying. They have never been interested in that, they are not interested nor will they ever be. They are interested exclusively in their own interests and noting more. Furthermore, a separate paragraph reads that the people of Kosovo will enjoy a substantial autonomy within the FR Yugoslavia to be decided upon by the Security Council. Hence - whether it has it or not, and if anything is to change, the Security Council of the United Nations has to make that decision. But, what is the decision that the Security Council of the United Nations passed? None, ever - stated President Vučić.

On that occasion, he said that Serbia, as a militarily neutral country, works on ensuring total security of our citizens emphasising that our forces are many times stronger than all potential adversaries.

- Accordingly, I would like to share some information which you will receive in an exceptionally precise manner. At this moment, we have 186 million euros of available resources in the account of Jugoimport SDPR, and those 186 million euros will be spent immediately to purchase arms and weapons from the Republic of Serbia, from the factories of our defence industry. That will include eight “Noras”. Of course the most economic purchase is when you buy products of your own intelligence, so we will do it, and you will see how much you can buy for a relatively small amount of money and how much more valuable it is than 246 “Javelins” which are extremely powerful antitank and anti-armoured asset, but not stronger than ours. You do not respond with the same type of a weapon to a like weapon though the range of our cornets is 2 to 4 kilometres greater - stressed President Vučić.

He stated that additional 8 “Noras” will be taken for our armed forces, and 81 extended “Miloš” for our Infantry units, as well as 30 turrets for the “Lazar” with special DUBS.

- I wish to inform you that we have received equipment which miraculously arrived, not to explain how at this moment, that we purchased two years ago, which is used for jamming enemy drones and low-flying aircraft. We are very proud of the fact that we are almost concluding the equipping of our air defence systems that will be, I cannot call it an unsolvable engima, but certainly an exceptionally great problem for any potential aggressor. We also have three more articles of 10 million euros, about which we will not speak publicly, and this is the first package. All these years, we have been preparing a new package of additional 150 million euros and another 400 million euros, for further equipping and arming the Serbian Armed Forces - the President of Serbia said pointing out that this will be the year of the best, fastest and the most intensive equipping.

President Vučić announced that the period to come will bring talks about significant changes in the Serbian Armed Forces.

- There will certainly be some great changes in our units. You know that up till now we have had tactical groups. Now, we will have somewhat smaller tactical units, but they will be much better coordinated, with a stronger synergy, and this does not only apply to light infantry units, and special units, but armoured-mechanised units as well. That is our greatest strength, and that is why some have given the “Javelin” to the Albanians because they know very well what the greatest strength of the Serbian Armed Forces is. Soon, series production of “kamikaze” drones will start in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, and I am grateful to all the people from the Military Technical Institute, Technical Test Centre, and people in the armed forces, and those in the Ministry who have been working diligently and hard on this. We will also change the war head on the first “killer” drone, with which we will start the production and I believe that we will have finished and delivered to the armed forces several thousand pieces before the end of 2024 - President Vučić stressed.