Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević in Ground Safety Zone at Christmas

Today, at Christmas, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević visited members of the Serbian Armed Forces in Base Medevce in the Ground Safety Zone.
The Minister of Defence wished the SAF members a merry Christmas, saying that, no matter what day it is, no matter what date, they fulfil their tasks, protect the territory of the Republic of Serbia and look after the safety of all the citizens of our country.
- It fills my heart with joy. I feel highly privileged and honoured to be able to spend Christmas morning, accompanied by generals, commanders and officers, with members of the Third Brigade in Base Medevce, in the Jablanica District, in the Ground Safety Zone, near our crucified and holy Kosovo and Metohija, and to have the opportunity to wish a merry Christmas and a happy New Year to the members of the Serbian Armed Forces on behalf of all to the citizens of Serbia, and to thank them for everything they did and are doing for their homeland - Minister Vučević said.
Speaking about the military profession, the Minister of Defence emphasized that it was not an ordinary occupation or an ordinary job.  

- It is more than that, it is something that guides you throughout your lifetime, which, I am sure, all citizens of Serbia respect, appreciate and value. Long live the Serbian Armed Forces, long live Serbia - Minister Vučević said.
Base Commander Captain Milan Smiljković briefed Minister Vučević on the responsibilities and the organization of life and work in the base.
In a conversation with the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, the Minister of Defence learned that they perform their tasks of securing the administrative line and controlling the Ground Safety Zone responsibly and professionally, guaranteeing safety to all citizens of Serbia.    

The Minister of Defence was accompanied on today's tour of Base Medevce by State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence Nemanja Starović, Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Želimir Glišović, Army Commander, Lieutenant General Milosav Simović, Head of the Operations Directorate (J-3) of the General Staff, Major General Tiosav Janković , Head of the Defence Minister’s Cabinet, Brigadier General Goran Momčilović, and the Commander of the Third Army Brigade, Colonel Dragan Antić.