Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to Defence System’s Operations Centre

The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, visited the defence system’s Operations Centre on the first day of 2024, to make sure that the Serbian Armed Forces were carrying out all their tasks as planned.
  Following the meeting with senior officers at the Operations Centre, General Mojsilović received reports via videoconferencing from senior national representatives in peacekeeping operations, who said that the situation was normal, that the personnel were carrying out all their tasks under the assigned mandates, and that all members of the Serbian Armed Forces participating in missions were safe.
Teams on duty in directly subordinate operational forces and units also reported on the situation and the main tasks in their units.
  General Mojsilović wished a happy New Year to the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, who are carrying out their tasks even during the holidays, both in the Republic of Serbia and in peacekeeping operations around the world. He wished them and their families good health and much success in the year ahead.

The Chief of the General Staff was accompanied on today's tour by the Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Želimir Glišović, the head of the Operations Directorate (J-3) of the General Staff, Major General Tiosav Janković and the head of the Chief of the General Staff’s private office, Colonel Slađan Hristov.