Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to Dog Training Centre

The Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, visited the Dog Training Centre at the “Knjaz Mihailo” barracks in Niš today.
  Accompanied by the Centre commander, he looked into the execution of principal tasks and attended a segment of training for the SAF dog handlers and working dogs organized by this Training Command unit.
The visit was an opportunity for the unit to present its capabilities enhanced through the acquisition of new dogs of exceptional genetic quality that will be bred and trained for anti-terrorism and anti-sabotage operations in special and MP units of the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as new accommodation facilities for personnel and dog health care facilities.
  Expressing his satisfaction with the professional members’ competence and excellent work done at the Centre, which is evidenced by numerous awards from local and international dog shows, General Mojsilović said that investment in the Centre will continue so that the unit can maintain its regional status and reputation in the field of dog training and breeding and veterinary training.
The Chief of the General Staff was accompanied on his tour today by the Head of the Logistics Directorate (J-4) of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Major General Srđan Petković, Head of the Chief of the General Staff’s private office, Colonel Slađan Hristov, and the Chief of Staff of the Training Command, Colonel Milovan Vasić.