Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Class of December 2023 takes military oath

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević attended the oath ceremony held at the “Field Marshal Živojin Mišić“ barracks in Valjevo today. The military oath was taken by the soldiers who started doing their voluntary military service this month (December 2023).
  The Minister of Defence congratulated the soldiers, saying that he always felt happy and proud at the sublime and solemn ceremony of taking the oath, "because at that time, we are closest to our glorious ancestors, their faith and love for the fatherland."

- The military oath has a long tradition and a special meaning in our nation. By taking the oath, a soldier makes a promise to his homeland, he gives his word as a guarantee of his military rectitude and loyalty. The one who is ready to defend Serbia, its citizens and the greatest values ​​of our society, is part of our country’s elite. Today you made a promise to Saint Sava and Stefan Nemanja. You made a promise to Miloš Obilić and Prince Lazar, Njegoš and Karađorđe, Živojin Mišić and Milenko Pavlović. To our immortal heroes - said Minister Vučević and added that today the soldiers had also made a promise "to all the children in Serbia, to every foot of its territory".
  He told the soldiers that they had made a promise to their fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, wives and husbands and "all those who will come after us and to whom we will hand over our free and independent homeland."
- You have made a promise to yourselves. And that is perhaps the most important thing. Soldiers, today you joined the ranks of the honourable and kept the promise you made when you came here for training. The promise that you will become soldiers. Today you received the title of a soldier of the Serbian Armed Forces. By taking the oath, you have become part of the honourable shield on which the eyes of our entire nation are focused - the Minister of Defence said.
  According to him, the oath they took today is a covenant with their country and an act of love for their fatherland and families.
- Now you know that you have the strength and ability to be the best sons and daughters to our country. Our freedom depends on you. That is the meaning of the oath. To make us believe in our own strength, in ourselves and in Serbia. Dear soldiers, I have come to tell you personally that Serbia appreciates your willingness to defend your homeland. And that the soldier must be respected. We are all aware of the fact that in the modern world, no matter how modern it is, and despite its adherence to the principles of international law, the military is the only guarantor of peace and freedom. The stronger, the more modern, the more trained, the more armed and the more numerous it is, the greater guarantee of peace it is. This is especially true for Serbia, which is a neutral and independent country. Serbia is a country that wants peace and cooperation with everyone, but won’t allow for anyone to mistreat it. We are building such a Serbia together - said Minister Vučević.
  They have deceived and lied to us for years saying that we do not need armed forces at all and that it is merely an expense, but today it is clear that armed forces are the only guarantor of Serbia’s freedom and independence, he said.
- And that is why we will work together to make sure that our military has everything it needs, and no one will prevent us from doing so. May this oath be on your mind and in your hearts forever. That's your vow. Keep your vow. It's an important promise made before God and the people. Congratulations on that promise, sons and daughters of Serbia. May it be a source of pride and health for you and your families. Long live the Serbian Armed Forces! Long live Serbia - said the Minister of Defence.
Nikola Tojičić from Pećinci says that he has decided to do voluntary military service because it was his childhood dream.
  - Apart from that, I have always wanted to improve, but also to work with the military police. Everyone who wants to join the military should know that here they can learn certain life skills, discipline and camaraderie - says Nikola Tojičić.
Antonija Petrović from Kragujevac confirms that order and discipline are valued the most in the military. She says that military service has been her long-time desire.
- I am delighted with the way the military works. Everything is perfectly organized and well-coordinated. I must say that I have never been happier. I expect that things will get even better after today's oath ceremony - said Antonija and invited young men and women to apply, because in a community such as the military, there is always support.
  Katarina Mijajlović from Niš says that she has always wanted to be a member of the armed forces, even though no one in her family has been in the military, and adds that friends made in the military are the main source of support and encouragement for a soldier to persevere to the end.