Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

International UN Staff Officer Course

An international United Nations Staff Officer Course, organized by the SAF Peacekeeping Operations Centre, was conducted over the past three weeks at Base South near Bujanovac.
The course was attended by members of the Serbian Armed Forces, Ministry of the Interior and the armed forces of Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Great Britain, Egypt, Morocco, Namibia, Germany, the United States and Slovenia.

They received training in performing staff duties in UN peacekeeping operations in accordance with current standards and procedures.

The training programme was designed to include basic standards and aspects of United Nations’ integrated missions, getting acquainted with a military component’s planning process, staff functions and procedures, and a significant part of the course was dedicated to presenting and discussing the experiences from the engagement in ongoing peacekeeping operations.
The training was carried out by lecturers from the Ministry of Defence, Serbian Armed Forces, Ministry of the Interior, Peace Support Operations Training Centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Red Cross of Serbia, International Committee of the Red Cross, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the UN Children's Fund in the Republic of Serbia.

The official closing ceremony for the course took place today. On that occasion, it was pointed out that the goals of this international training had been fully accomplished, and that the participants had thoroughly learned the entire content.

The Peacekeeping Operations Centre has been certified to deliver this course according to UN standards and procedures since 2015. Wide international interest in this course testifies to the quality of training and preparations offered by the Serbian Armed Forces to troops deploying to peacekeeping operations.