Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Advanced Public Relations Course begins

The Advanced Public Relations Course organized by the Public Relations Department, Ministry of Defence, began at the Central Military Club in Belgrade today.

Head of the Public Relations Department, Brigadier General Asst. Prof. Mihailo Zogović, greeted the trainees, wished them success and pointed out that continuous professional development was a prerequisite for an efficient performance of duties and that the acquired knowledge would significantly improve their skills. He emphasized that courses like this help strengthen the public relations system at the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.

Over the next five days, the trainees from the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces will attend a mixture of theory lessons and practical exercises on public relations and cooperation with the media.
The advanced course is intended for the members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces who perform the role of public relations officers. Considering that a part of the training is dedicated to the cooperation with the media, a visit to media houses is planned.