Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Training of River Flotilla Divers

At several locations on the Danube River, members of the River Flotilla diving unit are currently undergoing routine training and fitness training required for the performance of a wide range of tasks in the area along inland waterways.

This training activity marks the beginning of the winter cycle of divers’ training for the execution of tasks at very low water temperatures, and the general goal is to maintain and further improve both individual competence and the overall combat readiness of the unit.

In accordance with the training program, this phase includes standard diving procedures that are practised while diving, searching the riverbed, overcoming underwater obstacles and longitudinal diving in azimuth, as well as tactical actions applied while providing the anti-sabotage security of ships in the regulated basing area. 

A large number of complex tasks performed by divers in the Serbian Armed Forces - from underwater mining, anti-mine and anti-sabotage security of important facilities on inland waterways, to Search and Rescue in all weather conditions - require their exceptional skills, physical fitness and mental stamina. 

Therefore, it is necessary that their training should be carried out throughout the year so that they are capable at any moment to solve the most difficult situations being prepared for the greatest psychophysical strains.