Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Soldiers undergo training with 155 mm Nora self-propelled gun-howitzers

Professional soldiers, who have recently been assigned to the Mixed Artillery Brigade, are currently undergoing specialized training with 155mm B-52 M15 Nora self-propelled gun-howitzers at the peacetime base in Niš.
Depending on their roles in the unit, the soldiers are being trained in the early target acquisition and recognition, calculation of firing elements and handling the asset itself.

The training focuses on the actions and procedures for occupation of fire position and execution of indirect fire, which is carried out when there is no visual of the target. 
The Nora self-propelled gun-howitzer provides fire support by delivering aggressive, sudden and rapid fire against targets of tactical, operational and strategic importance. The entire process, from spotting the target to opening fire lasts for 1 or 2 minutes, so the crew needs to be highly trained in order to deliver successful fire.

This is achieved through continuous training, which is carried out in the unit throughout the year, in all conditions – from individual training of each and every soldier to the collective tasks training to the most complex exercises and live fire drills.
The introduction of this modern combat system in the armaments of the Serbian Armed Forces has significantly improved the ability of the Mixed Artillery Brigade and the artillery in general to provide reliable, accurate and strong fire support to Army units on operations.