Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević visits Religious Charitable Guardianship

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević visited the Religious Charitable Guardianship in Belgrade - a charity that operates as part of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The purpose of the visit was to establish cooperation between the said charity and the Military Medical Academy, with the aim of providing health care to the Guardianship users.
  Minister Vučević met with the charity’s activities coordinator, Bishop Petar of Toplica, Vicar of the Serbian Patriarch, with whom he discussed the possibilities of establishing cooperation, so that the Guardianship users could be provided with medical assistance, when needed.
The Minister of Defence thanked Patriarch Porfirije and Bishop Petar for their hospitality and for providing him with an opportunity to see how the Religious Charitable Guardianship operates and “to show that, as a society, we are supportive, responsible, that we feel empathy for our fellow citizens and compatriots who need support at some point in their lives".
  - We want to show that we do not turn our heads away from people in trouble, that we understand that our church does not only operate in the houses of worship, but has a broader social character. But we also want to show that the Ministry of Defence is a partner in caring for all our citizens. I am proud of the Military Health Department and the Military Medical Academy for reaching an agreement with the Guardianship regarding the voluntary work of our doctors and providing medical support and care to all our fellow citizens, compatriots, who use the services of the Guardianship in Belgrade - said Minister Vučević and thanked all the volunteers working in that organization.
The Minister of Defence also thanked Bishop Petar for his effort and dedication and said that he was proud of the doctors, officers and all those involved.
- I am also grateful to the Ministry of Health for being our partner in this process. We would not have been able to put together this human and winning team without our colleagues from the Ministry of Health. This is a matter of life and caring for people. This shows whether someone is a good person, not whether they are a good mathematician, economist, lawyer, or officer. This is a matter of humanity. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn about the Guardianship’s activities and for the support that the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Health have provided to the Guardianship so that it can continue to take even better care of our people - Minister Vučević said.
  According to Bishop Petar of Toplica, today's visit from the Minister of Defence and representatives of the Military Health Department to the Guardianship is extremely important, because it has been agreed that, as of today, the beneficiaries of the charity’s services will be referred to the Military Medical Academy, i.e. the MMA’s Emergency Centre, when needed and in accordance with the doctor's opinion.
- I would like to remind you all of Christ's words: "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me". Therefore, I thank God and all those who participate and will participate in this organization, said Bishop Petar of Toplica, adding that the representatives of the Military Health Department, who visited the Guardianship today, also applied for volunteer roles at the Guardianship.
The Religious Charitable Guardianship is a charity that does wide-ranging humanitarian work, with the aim of providing assistance to all those in need. Head of the Guardianship is His Holiness Porfirije, the Serbian Patriarch.
  Minister Vučević was accompanied on today’s visit by Assistant Minister of Defence for Budget and Finance Katarina Pavičić, chief secretaries to the Deputy Prime Minister’s and Defence Minister’s private offices Žarko Mićin and Brigadier General Goran Momčilović, representatives of the Military Health Department, Ministry of Defence, and representatives of the Ministry of Health.