Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to candidates in training for admission to SAF special units

Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, accompanied by his associates, visited today the 2nd Training Centre in the Valjevo garrison where candidates are currently undergoing initial training for admission to special units of the Serbian Armed Forces as part of Project 5000.
  During the tour, he reviewed the situation in the garrison and this Training Command unit, the execution of ongoing tasks, the living quarters and conditions in which training is organized and conducted for candidates for admission to special units who have not performed military service under arms.
After reviewing a segment of training, General Mojsilović praised the instructors, whose task is to train candidates in a short period of time to perform basic military tasks so that they can embark on selective training for admission to the 72nd Special Operations Brigade and Special Purpose Military Police Detachment “Kobre”.
At the end of the visit, a briefing was held for the key personnel of the 2nd Training Centre, where main tasks and plans of the Serbian Armed Forces were discussed, as well as measures to further enhance operational and functional capabilities and improve the material position of SAF members.
  During his tour of the 2nd Training Centre, the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff was accompanied by Commander of the Training Command Major General Željko Petrović, Head of the Logistics Directorate (J-4) Major General Srđan Petković and Head of the Training and Doctrine Directorate (J-7) Brigadier General Muharem Fazlić.