Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Exhibition “100 Years of National Aviation Industry” opened

State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence Nemanja Starović opened the exhibition "100 Years of the National Aviation Industry" in the Aviation Club’s “Ikar” gallery in Belgrade today.
  The exhibition has been organized by an expert team comprising Ivan Vujić, Nebojša Isailović and Nemanja Glišić, curators from the Aviation Museum of the Department for Tradition, Standard and Veterans, Human Resources Sector, Ministry of Defence. The exhibition covers the historical course of the main segment of the industrial boom in our country illustrated by documents and items from the collection of the Museum of Aviation and shows numerous projects and achievements of the domestic aviation industry.

According to State Secretary Starović, it can rightly be said that the 20th century is the century of aviation, which developed and changed the world in a short period of time.

- What was once unimaginable is now a reality and a need of modern man. Aviation has become an indication of the development of a country and society. When we look at all the facts, we can proudly present our Serbian aviation heritage. The major segment of the overall progress and development of aviation is precisely the aviation industry, which over the decades has played a key role in the development of the economy and defence efforts, and despite numerous technological challenges, market needs and the competitiveness of other countries, the national aviation industry has stood out as the pillar of the industrial development of our country - said State Secretary Starović.
  We are one of the first countries to establish an air force back in 1912, he pointed out, and the development of our entire aviation rests on those foundations to this day. In 1923, our country started developing one of the most complex and sophisticated branches of industry - aircraft production, State Secretary Starović said.
- The Aviation Museum, which has organized this exhibition to mark such an important anniversary, is a witness to the overall development of aviation and the achievements of the aviation industry. Numerous objects, photos and documents from the museum's rich collection illustrate the continuous development, and a very rich and long tradition of aircraft production in our country. The Republic of Serbia can proudly say that it once had a powerful industry that produced thousands of aircraft and that it can build an even better future on the foundations of this history - said State Secretary Starović and declared the exhibition "100 Years of the National Aviation Industry" open.
Mirjana Novaković Munišević from the Aviation Museum addressed those present, saying that the exhibition was u sublimation of a century-long development of the aviation industry, showing and proving the universal importance of aviation in the past, present and future.
Today’s ceremony wan an opportunity to present an envelope and a special stamp issued in cooperation with Public Enterprise "Pošta Srbije as part of the special philatelic series "Industrial Heritage of Serbia" to mark the centenary of the aviation industry. Director of "Srbijamarka" Adam Sofronijević presented State Secretary Starović with the said philatelic stamp series.
  Sofronijević greeted those present and thanked the expert team for organizing the exhibition "100 Years of the National Aviation Industry", adding that few countries can boast such a significant jubilee.
The exhibition opening was attended by acting Secretary of the Ministry of Defence Nebojša Nikolić, acting Assistant Minister of Defence for Human Resources Siniša Radović, acting Assistant Minister for Defence Policy Predrag Bandić, Air Force and Air Defence Commander Lieutenant General Duško Žarković, State Secretary at the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Zoran Antić and members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
The "100 Years of the National Aviation Industry" exhibition will be open until February 19, 2024.