Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

MPs undergo intensive training

Professional soldiers and NCOs who have recently been assigned to the Army MP battalions are undergoing intensive training.
  They are training alongside experienced military policemen, and the goal is to make sure that the entire professional personnel fulfils high training standards and that the unit’s combat readiness improves.
The MPs are practicing on the training grounds and exercise areas the tactics, techniques and procedures for carrying out unit-specific combat actions. At this time, the training focuses on the execution of counter-terrorism combat, from collecting the initial data on the activities in the area of responsibility, to setting up a blockade and destroying a terrorist group.
During the training process, modern weapons, equipment and combat vehicles are being used to enable military policemen to complete their tasks fully, on time and with minimum risk to their troops.
  The newly admitted members of MP units will face a long and complex training, which will prepare them for carrying out a wide range of tasks, including general security tasks, in the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.