Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting between ministers of defence of Serbia, Türkiye

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević met today with the Minister of National Defence of the Republic of Türkiye, Yaşar Güler at the Old General Staff in Belgrade.
  After the national anthems were played as part of the welcoming ceremony performed by the Serbian Armed Forces Guard, the two ministers had a tête-à-tête conversation and a meeting was held between the delegations of the two countries.

After the meeting, Minister Vučević emphasized that Minister Güler’s visit came at the right moment, considering the current situation in the Western Balkans, and described today’s meetings as well-conceived when it comes to the cooperation between Türkiye and  Serbia.

- Besides the topics that are essential for bilateral military cooperation between the two countries, I could also say that the dominant topic of our conversation was the problem of security in Kosovo and Metohija. We are encouraged by Mr Güler’s assurances about the safety of the Serbian community in Kosovo and Metohija, considering that the new KFOR commander is a Turkish general. And above all, there is something lodged in the political consciousness in Serbia - Türkiye has a great importance and political, economic, security and cultural influence on the Western Balkans region - Minister Vučević pointed out.
  He and his Turkish counterpart discussed sensitive topics and the cooperation with KFOR, the minister said.
- We have touched on the most sensitive topics, we have also touched on the issues that we do not see eye to eye about, but friends always talk openly and honestly. I am satisfied with, I will not say promises or guarantees, but with the messages we have received from Mr Güler regarding the arming of the so-called "Kosovo Security Forces" and regarding the future and the use of what is present on the ground, i.e. in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. We strongly encourage direct communication between the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff and the KFOR Commander, and we insist that only KFOR members be present on the Kosovo-Metohija side of the administrative boundary line, and that members of the Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR continue carrying out joint patrols along the administrative boundary line. I reiterated to Mr Güler that Serbia and Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija do not have a problem with the presence of KFOR troops and that the presence of KFOR eases the tension and leads to de-escalation - emphasized Minister Vučević.
  At the meeting, Minister Vučević said, they also discussed the military-economic cooperation and the cooperation between the two countries’ defence industries.

- We see great potential and ample opportunity for further progress and development of bilateral relations. And as Mr Güler mentioned, the strategic agreement between presidents Erdoğan and Vučić obliges and encourages us in the security and defence sector to put in extra effort to achieve better results in the interest of both countries. For me, the most important message from today's meetings is that both Türkiye and Serbia have the same goal, which is to preserve peace and stability in the Western Balkans and that all open issues should be resolved exclusively through political dialogue - said Minister Vučević, thanking Minister Güler for the invitation to visit Türkiye.
  After the meeting, Minister Güler thanked Minister Vučević for the hospitality and conveyed support and greetings from the President of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
- I have just had a comprehensive, positive, constructive meeting with my colleague Vučević. During the conversation, we touched on topics such as strong historical, cultural, human ties and a very good relationship with Serbia. We support peace, stability, territorial integrity and the participation of the Balkan countries in international organizations and Serbia's accession to the European Union - emphasized the Minister of Defence of Türkiye.
He also said that Türkiye supports such memberships in international organizations, underscoring dialogue as the only way to preserve peace and stability in the region.
  - Türkiye will do everything to continue in this direction. Our country, which has taken over the command of KFOR, will continue to give priority to stability, security and public order in an impartial manner – Minister Güler emphasized.

Cooperation in the field of defence industry was also discussed at today's meeting, he said, expressing his gratitude for Serbia’s support to the fight against the FETO organization and taking the opportunity to invite Minister Vučević to visit Türkiye.
Today's meetings were attended by State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence Nemanja Starović, Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, PhD, Chief of Cabinet to the Minister of Defence Brigadier General Goran Momčilović, Advisor to the Minister of Defence Predrag Rajić, Rector of the Defence University, Brigadier General Prof. Boban Đorović, Head of the Training and Doctrine Directorate (J-7) of the General Staff, Brigadier General Muharem Fazlić, Head of the International Military Cooperation Department, Colonel Nebojša Svjetlica, and the Ambassador of Türkiye to Serbia, Hami Aksoy.