Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit from new KFOR Commander

Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, received today the new KFOR Commander, Major Genral Ozkan Ulutas, who took over the role as KFOR Commander last week.
The meeting in Belgrade discussed the current security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and activities that can be undertaken to promote peace and security in the territory of the southern Serbian province.

In the conversation with General Ulutas, General Mojsilović emphasized that the Serbian Armed Forces, in accordance with UNSC Resolution 1244 and the Military-Technical Agreement, recognize KFOR as the sole legitimate armed formation in Kosovo and Metohija and expressed his expectation that the international security forces would take necessary steps to de-escalate the situation in the Serbian province and protect the Serbian national, cultural, historical and religious heritage.
The Chief of the General Staff emphasized the importance of cooperation between the Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR at all established levels, with the aim of preserving security and preventing crises, with KFOR fulfilling its mandate under the United Nations Security Council resolution fully and impartially.