Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Media conference about Serbia hosting “CISM European Conference”

A media conference on the upcoming “CISM European Conference”, whose host this year is the Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to the International Military Sports Council (CISM), was held at the Central Military Club in Belgrade today.
On that occasion, CISM Vice-President Europe, Colonel Dirk Schwede, and the Head of the Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to CISM, Lieutenant Colonel Asst. Prof. Negovan Ivanković, PhD, spoke about the conference that will be held October 20-21 in Belgrade, touching on the key questions that will be discussed at the upcoming conference.

Colonel Schwede thanked the Delegation of the Republic of Serbia for having made careful preparations for hosting the upcoming event and emphasized the importance of friendship built through sport, which is this organization’s motto.
- This year is very important for CISM, since we celebrate our 75h anniversary. Initially, there were five founding members, and today this organization comprises 140 member countries. That has been our developmental path for the last 75 years, and now it is important that we set the course that we will follow and that we find ways to overcome challenges, because we need to understand that world peace is not guaranteed, and one of our tasks is to spread friendship beyond borders – Colonel Schwede said, emphasizing that their role would be important in the future, as it had been in the past.     

This year, the Delegation of the Republic of Serbia to CISM celebrates 20 years of membership in this organisation, during which time it has participated and hosted approximately 200 sports events in which 88 medals have been won. Taking into account the anniversary and our achievements, Lieutenant Colonel Ivanković said, the Serbian Delegation is honoured to be the host and organizer of the “CISM European Conference”.  

- We are extremely pleased about the fact that the CISM General Secretariat has recognized us as an initiator and the chief exponent of the development of sport in the region, considering that last October we held the first “Regional Conference of the Balkan CISM members” where the “Balkan Military Games” project was harmonized and accepted and will be carried out in 2026 – said Lieutenant Colonel Ivanković.  
The Serbian Delegation, he emphasized, has undertaken a series of activities with a view to developing sports in the military and it expects the “CISM European Conference” to harmonize opinions regarding the mutual effort to remain true to the fundamental concept on which the International Military Sports Council was founded, which is primarily friendship through sport.

- The more opportunities we have to compete and socialize in sports arenas, the brighter our vision of the future will be, without a doubt – concluded Lieutenant Colonel Ivanković.

The International Military Sports Council (CISM) was established in 1948 in Nice (France) as a unique, interdisciplinary global military sports organization and today it brings together the armed forces of 140 countries. The Republic of Serbia became its 127th member in 2003.