Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vučević attends ceremony to mark Dimitrovgrad Municipality Day

Acting on behalf of the President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević today attended a ceremony hosted by the Municipal Assembly of Dimitrovgrad to mark the Dimitrovgrad Municipality Day and the municipal feast day - the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
At the Cultural Centre Dimitrovgrad, Minister Vučević presented the municipal award - a gold coin, which is traditionally awarded every year, to teacher Biljana Mihajlović for her commitment and excellent results achieved in the education of 1st-4th grade students.
Addressing those present and wishing them a happy holiday, the Minister of Defence quoted the Serbian politician and the creator of the 1912 Serbian-Bulgarian Treaty, Milovan Milovanović.  

- “My policy is in fact to bind the solidarity between Serbia and Bulgaria and to conclude a positive treaty with it that would provide a solution to the Balkan issue on the ‘Balkans to the Balkan peoples’ principle”. This policy was extremely far-sighted, as testified by all the tragic subsequent events in our shared history. But we are obligated to think deeply about these words of a man who had a PhD in law from Sorbonne University and a great national activist and Prime Minister of the Serbian Royal Government. Milovanović knew that we must look each other in the eye and that we must be what God created us to be - brothers and friends who are ready to make an agreement, to make a compromise. And first and foremost – that we must respect each other - Minister Vučević said.

Serbian King Stefan Uroš II Milutin Nemanjić, who is still revered and celebrated by Serbs and Bulgarians alike, also reminds us of this, he said.
  - Saint Paraskeva of Trnovo and Belgrade, equally loved and venerated by both Bulgarians and Serbs, reminds us of this, too. She, who forgave her tormentor and powerful emperor for all his evil and restored his eyesight at his sincere request. We must remember and view things the way St. Petka taught us - said Minister Vučević and referred to the frescoes of St. Sava and St. Stefan Nemanja in the Rila Monastery, as well as the fresco depicting Saint John of Rila in the Hilandar Monastery.

In his address, Minister Vučević also touched upon the Pametnik monument located in Dimitrovgrad, where the victims of the fratricidal war were buried together by a Bulgarian general.

- Here in Serbia, in Dimitrovgrad, the prayers of the saints shared by both nations were fortunately answered. There is a community here, not only the coexistence of Bulgarians and Serbs, but a real community. A community of equals, a fraternal and strong community that enriches our homeland, Serbia, as a country. There is also the "Hristo Botev" Elementary School here, and a secondary school named after our shared saints, Cyril and Methodius. Furthermore, there is the "Detko Petrov" National Library, as well as the Cultural Information Centre of the Bulgarian Minority “Caribrod” - said Minister Vučević.

According to the Minister of Defence, Dimitrovgrad is an example that should be followed and a city that has Serbia’s support.
  - Empowered and self-aware, seeking solutions to all issues based on the “Balkans belong to the Balkan peoples” principle, we are deeply aware that our shared history has clearly shown that in a conflict, the one who attacks his brother always loses. And that we always win when we stick together. The conclusion is precise, clear and provable. That is why we, aware of ourselves, aware of the soul of our people, are building what we hope will be pan-national here in Dimitrovgrad. A community of equals that Prince Mihajlo and Vasil Levski dreamed of. May our shared prayer books help us before God to succeed in this together - said the Minister of Defence, wishing everyone a happy holiday.

The President of the Dimitrovgrad Municipality, Vladica Dimitrov, presented laptops to the highest-performing students, and to mark the Dimitrovgrad Municipality holiday, he also presented municipal awards and prizes to the most deserving individuals and institutions.

According to him, a lot has been done in this municipality since last year’s holiday.

- A lot has been achieved, a lot has been done and arranged; many projects have already started and contracts have been signed. Much bigger investments are due in the coming period, but citizens will be able to see that. One of the advantages of a small town, along with numerous disadvantages, is that we all know each other, everyone can see what is being done and what has been done, and we don’t need marketing to promote that - said the President of the Dimitrovgrad Municipality and thanked the President of the Republic, Aleksandar Vučić, the Government of the Republic of Serbia, and everyone else who has helped improve the living conditions of the citizens of Dimitrovgrad.
  The Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria, Petko Dojkov, said that it was a great pleasure and honour to attend the holiday celebration.

- I would like to thank the representatives of the municipality for the invitation and for keeping alive this wonderful age-old tradition, and for allowing us to be a part of it in your wonderful city that stays connected to its Bulgarian roots. The day we are celebrating is full of symbolism. Over the years, faith in goodness has preserved Bulgarians even in the most difficult times. Even today, the church continues to connect and bring people together in a special way - said Ambassador Dojkov.

Minister of the Interior Bratislav Gašić, Bishop Arsenije of Niš, Ambassador of Serbia to Bulgaria Željko Jović and numerous guests were in attendance at the celebration of the Dimitrovgrad Municipality Day.