Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

79th anniversary of Operation Halyard marked

A delegation of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, led by State Secretary Nemanja Starović and Air Force and Air Defence Commander, Lieutenant General Duško Žarković, attended today the ceremony commemorating the 79th anniversary of Operation Halyard in Pranjani.

A U.S. Air Force transport aircraft flew over Pranjani, marking the beginning of the ceremony. In this way, the American side showed respect to the descendants of members of the Yugoslav Army in the homeland and the residents of Pranjani and the surrounding area, who had knowingly risked their lives and taken part in the rescue of American pilots in 1943 and 1944.
  On that occasion, State Secretary Starović and General Žarković met with Major General Daniel Lasica, Director for Strategy, Plans and Policy, United States EUCOM, and Brigadier General David Johnson, Assistant Adjutant General, Ohio Air National Guard. The US Ambassador to Serbia, Christopher Hill, also attended the meeting.

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss opportunities for enhancing defence cooperation in areas of mutual interest.
  The organizer of the commemoration was the Halyard Mission Foundation, and the event was co-facilitated by U.S. Embassy Belgrade and the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.