Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Display of weapons, military equipment and capabilities of Serbian Armed Forces held in Niš

The President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević and Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, visited the display of the weapons, military equipment and capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces "Flag 2023", which was held today as part of the celebration of the Day of Serbian unity, Freedom and the National Flag. The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, also attended the event.
  Following the display, President Vučić congratulated Minister Vučević and General Mojsilović, and all members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as the visitors who gathered to celebrate the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and the National Flag.
- We live in a difficult time where there is almost never good news, but Serbia is much stronger now, much stronger than it was just a few years ago and it will continue to develop, not only in the military sense, but also in the economic sense, and in terms of the number of employees and kilometres of roads and railways built, and in terms of the number of new hospitals and schools constructed. That is what we can be proud of and that is what gives meaning to our flag, freedom and unity - said President Vučić.
  He extended his very best holiday wishes to all the citizens of Serbia and Serbian nationals around the world.
- No matter how many borders divide us, no one can take away our sense of belonging to the same nation, we speak the same Serbian language, we have the same Serbian tricolour - red, blue and white. We will never give that up and we will always belong to the same nation and proudly emphasize that - said President Vučić.
According to President Vučić, last week and today the Serbian Armed Forces received significant reinforcement in weapons and equipment and there will be more.
  - We continue to develop; we are investing huge amounts of money, vastly disproportionate to our economic strength. However, we are the only neutral country in these parts, and the same goes for Bosnia and Herzegovina, but we are de facto completely surrounded by countries that belong to one military bloc. We want to jealously guard our military neutrality and to look after our own sky, our country and our children, and we will continue to do so in the future. We do not want to belong to any bloc. We are proud of the fact that we are a free and a freedom-loving country, and we are proud of our red, blue, and white tricolour, and we are proud of our strong and increasingly efficient armed forces. Long live Serbia and happy holiday to everyone - said President Vučić.
The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to once again see the equipment and capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces.
  - This is something completely different in comparison with what we could see ten years ago. On behalf of Republika Srpska and its citizens, I can express satisfaction with the fact that the Serbian Armed Forces are stabilizing their potentials, that they are ready and able to defend Serbia, its people, and its territory. I have seen here some really committed, well-trained, highly-motivated soldiers and, most importantly, I have seen some equipment that I haven’t had the opportunity to see anywhere else - said President Dodik, congratulating President Vučić, Minister Vučević and General Mojsilović and everyone involved in the process of equipping the armed forces.

Various combat and non-combat systems, numerous types of weapons, military equipment, and the Serbian Defence Industry products were showcased at today's display in Niš.
At the very beginning, visitors could see infantry weapons such as the KORNET, POLK 9K111-FAGOT, BGA-30, unmanned aerial vehicles and drones, as well as newly introduced means and equipment.

The citizens, and especially the youngest ones, were particularly interested in combat vehicles such as the BRDM-2MS, LAZAR, MRAP and MILOŠ, Hummer, as well as in the T-72MS tank driving demonstration and a display of martial arts skills.
  The display also included other important materiel: the M-84 tank, BVP M-80A, 122mm self-propelled howitzer, LAZAR-3, modernized BOV POLO, ALAS, MILOŠ and FK-3, PASARS and PANTSIR anti-aircraft systems.

Members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade, 72nd Special Operations Brigade and the Military Technical Institute presented firearms: pistols, automatic rifles, snipers, shotguns, and Little MILOŠ. Members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade demonstrated knife handling techniques and rappelled down a wall.

Visitors’ attention was particularly drawn to the NORA B-52 artillery weapon, as well as the CBRN devices and equipment.
  Members of the Military Police presented a set of protective and crowd control equipment and demonstrated the use of working dogs.

At the end of the display, the attention of numerous visitors was attracted by the members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade who performed landing by parachute from a helicopter using a rope, as well as a captivating parachute jump.
The ceremony marking the Day of Serbian Unity, Freedom and the National Flag was made even more special by the fly-past of MiG-29, "Orao" (Eagle), and G-4 planes and Mi-35, Mi-17, H-145 and Gazelle helicopters.