Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Contracts for delivery of weapons and military equipment for Serbian Armed Forces signed

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević attended today the signing of the contracts for the delivery of modern weapons and military equipment between the Ministry of Defence, the Serbian Defence Industry companies and PE "Jugoimport-SDPR".
  According to the Minister of Defence, today is a big day for the Serbian Defence Industry, but also for the Serbian Armed Forces.

- Today, several companies signed a contract worth RSD 9.7 billion with the Ministry of Defence, but also with each other, of which 6.2 billion worth of new weapons and military equipment will be delivered to the Serbian Armed Forces. This is a fantastic result, almost unimaginable only a few years ago. Our defence industry, with "Jugoimport-SDPR" as an integrator, will prepare RSD 3.5 billion worth of weapons and military equipment for export, which also indicates our competitiveness and a good position on third markets, i.e. on the international market. This, of course, increases the contribution of the military industry to the total gross domestic product of the Republic of Serbia - Minister Vučević said.
  He expressed great pride in all the people involved and added that, with the support of the President of the Republic and the Serbian Government, we can now have these budgets that were impossible or difficult to get before, and now they have been actualized.
- This is a great support for the Serbian Defence Industry in safeguarding jobs. Great support for Priboj, for the factories "Zastava Oružje" and "Zastava TERVO" in Kragujevac, for "Prva Petoletka" in Trstenik, for "Jumko" in Vranje, "Teleoptik-Žiroskopi" in Zemun, "Jugoimport-SDPR" as an integrator and we should not forget "Sloboda" Čačak and "Krušik" in Valjevo, as factories that are important for that part of Serbia and for the entire Serbia. Congratulations to all of them! We are waiting for them to deliver what has been agreed upon today - said the Minister of Defence.
The contracts for the delivery of modern complex combat systems and ammunition that will directly improve the capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces were signed by representatives of the Ministry of Defence, "Zastava Oružje", "Krušik Holding Company”, "FAP Corporation", "Zastava TERVO" and "Jugoimport-SDPR".

On behalf of the Ministry of Defence, the contracts were signed by the representative of the Procurement and Sales Department, Material Resources Sector, Colonel Dragan Panić.
At the ceremony, contracts for the modernization of the Serbian Armed Forces’ assets were also signed. Subcontractor agreements with "Jugoimport-SDPR" were signed by the representatives of the company "Teleoptik-Žiroskopi", "Senzor Infiz", "Zastava TERVO", "Combat Complex Systems" and a representative of "Jumko". Also, cooperation contracts covering the export of new combat systems were signed between the Serbian Defence Industry companies and "Jugoimport-SDPR".
Representatives of "Jugoimport-SDPR" signed the said contracts with the subcontractors - "Zastava TERVO" and "Sloboda" Čačak. "FAP Corporation", "Prva Petoletka-Namenska" and Technical Overhaul Institute Čačak are also involved in the export business.
The signing of the contracts at the Old General Staff’s Great War Hall was attended by state secretaries at the Ministry of Defence Mile Jelić and Nemanja Starović, Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, PhD, Acting Assistant Minister for Human Resources Siniša Radović, representatives of the Ministry of Defence, the Serbian Armed Forces and the Serbian Defence Industry.