Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbia-Republika Srpska Cooperation Council holds session

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić and President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik presided over the session of the Serbia-Republika Srpska Cooperation Council, which was held in Banja Luka today.
  The session was attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, nation assembly speakers and prime ministers as well as members of the governments of Serbia and Srpska.
After the session, PMs Ana Brnabić and Radovan Višković signed a Memorandum of Cooperation in the implementation of a project to construct two memorial centres dedicated to the victims of Jasenovac.
  In his address following the session, President Vučić thanked the Republika Srpska delegation for the warm welcome and pointed out that Serbia has very good and fruitful cooperation with both Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska. He underscored that Serbia-Republika Srpska relations are at an extremely high level.

- We are happy that we jointly commemorate all the important dates in our history. We do not shy away from showing respect and reverence towards the victims of all other nations, and we are ready to show that respect at any time, but that does not mean that we are ready to forget or keep silent about the Serbian victims - said the President of Serbia.
Serbia strictly adheres to the UN Charter, whether it is to our advantage or not in individual cases, President Vučić said.
  - We adhere to the principles of international law, and in accordance with that, Serbia respects and will respect all the norms of the Dayton Peace Agreement, from which the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina was derived, as the foundations of Bosnia and Herzegovina – a country comprised of two entities and three constituent peoples - stressed President Vučić, adding that Serbia expects Bosnia and Herzegovina to respect the territorial integrity of Serbia.
According to him, the subjects of the meetings during his two-day visit were both beautiful and difficult. They discussed the modalities of support that Serbia could provide to Republika Srpska, as well as the sanctions and, as the President of Serbia pointed out, our country’s position is that it will not recognize the US sanctions against the leadership of Republika Srpska, and that they are always welcome in Serbia and that he will continue to cooperate with them.

According to President Dodik, who also addressed the audience, many topics were discussed today, primarily projects that have been implemented and those that are yet to be implemented. He emphasized the importance of the Memorandum on the construction of two memorial centres, which was signed today by the prime ministers of Serbia and Republika Srpska.
  - Republika Srpska and the Republic of Serbia have the best possible cooperation, and our goal is to make it even more comprehensive. The work we have done today and yesterday is the flagship of everything we did in the past. We will continue to do so. Serbia's attitude towards Republika Srpska shows that we are not alone, that we are not abandoned. President Vučić has created something that brings us together, a commemoration of events of historical importance, and we are holding it tonight for the ninth time. We need to talk about suffering and we will continue to talk - concluded Dodik.