Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Soldiers’ training assessed

An assessment of individual training of the "June 2023" class of soldiers performing their voluntary military service was carried out this week at the Serbian Armed Forces’ basic training centres in Sombor, Valjevo and Leskovac.
  Over the past six weeks, the soldiers had theory and practical lessons on how to handle various types of infantry weapons, they learned basic tactical actions and passed a physical abilities test.
The final test of individual training took place over a span of two days. On the first day, the soldiers’ skills in carrying out tactical tasks was tested, and on the second day they demonstrated their knowledge, abilities and skills of using weapons and military equipment, proficiency in executing close-order drill and knowledge of the Rules of Service of the Serbian Armed Forces.
  Very good and excellent test results show that this class of soldiers is fully prepared for the next phase of training that awaits them after being transferred to specialized training centres, where they will be trained for military specialties for which they were recruited. Following their specialized training, they will be assigned to SAF units where they will spend the remainder of their military service doing collective training.