Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Selective Training for Admission to Special Units of Serbian Armed Forces

Today, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović, visited candidates for the admission to special units, in line with the Project 5000, at one of the locations where selective training is being conducted.
The general objective of this ten-week long training is to select highly motivated and physically capable candidates for the admission to special units of the Serbian Armed Forces, and their inclusion into further training process. The specific goal of the training is to test and increase the level of specialised military competence, physical fitness, and the development of team spirit, and the capabilities for the execution of tasks in circumstances of increased psychophysical strain.
During this demanding training, a team of experts monitors and evaluates the work of the candidates to determine their psychophysical endurance to execute both individual tasks and as part of a team. The expert team then produces a psychological profile so that only the best are selected to work in these units.
The most successful candidates will have an opportunity to start their professional military service for a six-month period, after which they can extend their employment contract for a period of up to three years, with the possibility of its subsequent renewal.
Those who become members of the Serbian Armed Forces will face continuous training and professional development, and work with state-of-the-art weapons and equipment, and they will receive exceptionally stimulating salaries.