Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Reception for Officers upon Completion of General Staff Course

Today, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Milan Mojsilović welcomed the officers assigned to the duties in commands, units and institutions of the Serbian Armed Forces following their completion of the General Staff Course.

Congratulating them on the results achieved during the professional advancement, General Mojsilović spoke to the officers, who had been educated at the University of Defence for the most responsible duties in the system of defence, about the key tasks in the Serbian Armed Forces. He also provided guidance for their command and management duties to which they have been assigned.

Expressing his satisfaction with the fact that the Serbian Armed Forces became richer by a new generation of officers who had completed the highest military-expert advancement in the country, the Chief of General Staff underlined that they were expected to demonstrate leadership capabilities in their everyday work, and set an example to younger officers with their attitude to tasks and obligations.

The General Staff Course of the National Defence School “Vojvoda Radomir Putnik” represents the third level of specific programmes of the University of Defence for professional advancement of officers, and it is carried out with the view of training officers for the highest duties in the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.