Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Class of June 2023 take oath of enlistment, Minister Vučević attends

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Miloš Vučević attended the oath of enlistment ceremony held at the “Field Marshal Živojin Mišić“ barracks in Valjevo today. The oath of enlistment was taken by the soldiers whose voluntary military duty started this month (June 2023).
Congratulating the soldiers and greeting everyone present, Minister Vučević said he was delighted to be in Valjevo, the city of heroes and warriors, again.

- Thank God we are here more and more often. In Valjevo, the city of heroes and warriors, Serbia’s bulwark throughout the centuries. We are here to look each other in the eye, to stand by each other and to stand up for each other. You, to stand by your country, and your country to stand by you. Here, in this place, the whole of Serbia can see its best children, sons and daughters, take the oath and swear allegiance to their beloved motherland. This is proof that we exist as a nation and as a country - this oath of yours. And everyone should see that, especially the younger generations. They should see the sublime sense of dignity, honour and love for the homeland - said Minister Vučević.
  The military oath, the Minister of Defence said, has a long tradition in Serbia and a special meaning for our people. By taking the oath, a soldier pledges allegiance to his fatherland "swearing on his honour, giving his word as a guarantee of his human and military integrity and morality".
- The one who is ready to defend Serbia, its citizens and the highest values ​​of our society, is part of this country’s elite and deserves special respect. The credit for the code of honour you have developed in yourselves does not only go to you, but to your parents, grandparents, ancestors and relatives, too. We hereby express our greatest respect and gratitude to them and their love for you and Serbia - said Minister Vučević.
Referring to the act of taking the military oath, the Minister of Defence stressed that “it is a symbol of honour, courage and readiness to fight for a noble cause - the security and freedom of the Republic of Serbia." According to him, we owe it to future generations to preserve those values and we must not give up on that idea.
- To be ready for such a fight, we need to train and respond to every challenge we face in a professional and humane manner and in accordance with the code of honour. That is why you will spend the next few months with your commanding officers and teachers. They will have a difficult, responsible and important task - to train you, as Serbia’s treasure, to defend your country. And what is more honourable than being the defender of our people and our sanctities? Everything that defines us as a nation and as people. By taking the oath today, you have become part of the honourable shield on which the eyes of our people are fixed - said Minister Vučević.
Speaking about the Serbian Armed Forces, the Minister of Defence said that it was a complex system, requiring constant improvement, modernization and strengthening and that Serbia must have a strong military, arm itself and train, because that was the most powerful deterrent against any potential attacker.

- And the stronger we are, the more reluctant they will be to even think of attacking us. Serbia does not want wars, Serbia wants peace and our role is to preserve peace. The military is there to protect its people both in war and in peace. It is a message that needs to be sent to every citizen of this country. The citizens of Serbia are aware of this and that is why the Serbian Armed Forces have enjoyed a great reputation in our society for many years. We are parts of the same whole, same people. We have never separated ourselves from our people and we serve them by doing what we do best. We are responsible to them and sworn to serve them and no one but them - Minister Vučević said. He told the soldiers to always keep the words of the military oath in their minds and hearts and expressed hope that they would become highly trained soldiers and an indomitable bulwark protecting our motherland, Serbia, against all threats.
The oath ceremony was attended by Commander of the Training Command, Major General Željko Petrović, Chief of Staff to the Minister of Defence, Brigadier General Goran Momčilović, representatives of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, local self-government, the Ministry of the Interior, religious communities, and the soldiers’ families and friends. The officer in charge of today's ceremony was the commander of the Valjevo-based Second Training Centre, Colonel Saša Stojiljković.
Luka Starovlah from Belgrade says his childhood dream came true when he signed up for voluntary military service.

- I expect many challenges. I would suggest to all young people who like the uniform and challenges that they should have a try and if they like it, they can stay in the Serbian Armed Forces - says Luka Starovlah.
  Miljana Pavlović from Smederevo says that voluntary military service requires a strong will and desire.

- I have signed up for voluntary military service because, since I was a child, I have imagined myself as an honourable soldier serving my country and my people. I expect a lot of challenges. I know it will be hard and exhausting, but winners never give up - said Miljana Pavlović.