Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbian Armed Forces help clean up flood control infrastructure

Members of the Serbian Armed Forces, in cooperation with the local-self government, are carrying out engineering works to help clean up the flood protection systems in the Žitorađa municipality.
The activity is being conducted by members of the Serbian Armed Forces who are undergoing engineer training as part of a civil-military cooperation project, and the goal is to remove dense vegetation, built-up soil and other deposited material to increase the capacity of drainage canals and thus reduce the risk of flooding.

A group of Army engineers on fatigue duty are cleaning up the canals, using modern mechanization that SAF units have been provided with in recent years. They are being assisted by the employees of the Public Utility Company "Žitorađa".

Taking part in this project is an opportunity for members of the Army engineer units to test their skills and further improve their ability to operate the machinery used by the Serbian Armed Forces for road construction, removal of obstacles, blocking and camouflage.
  The Serbian Armed Forces have repeatedly deployed men and equipment to flood-stricken areas to support flood relief efforts. By carrying out CIMIC projects through engineer training, which began last year, they also act preventively, helping eliminate hazards to human life and property in the Republic of Serbia.