Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Military doctors' rural outreach effort

This week, SAF members in collaboration with the Red Cross, local self-governments and community health centres have undertaken a rural outreach effort, providing medical care to rural communities that lack access to health care. 
  This is the traditional "Military Doctor in the Village" campaign, which is undertaken as part of the Serbian Armed Forces’ CIMIC projects. This time, military doctors and medical technicians visited rural communities near Beočin, Bosilegrad, Bujanovac and Sjenica. 
They performed more than 150 preventive health check-ups at makeshift clinics, and made house calls to persons with mobility issues. Parcels containing basic food and sanitary necessities provided by the Red Cross were also distributed.
As always, SAF members were warmly welcomed by the villagers, who thanked them for their assistance and said that the Serbian Armed Forces were an institution they trusted the most, having been there for them on numerous occasions in the past.   
  The Serbian Armed Forces carry out CIMIC projects throughout the country. They have helped build roads and waterworks, cleared snow deposits, supplied water and provided health care to the local residents on multiple occasions, and they will continue to do so in the future, strengthening mutual trust and helping provide better living conditions for the citizens of Serbia.