Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

International tactical CIMIC course completed

An international tactical CIMIC course organized by the SAF General Staff finished today with a certificate awarding ceremony at “South” Base near Bujanovac.
  The aim of the course was to provide the trainees, SAF and EUCOM officers and NCOs, with additional training for carrying out functional assignments in peacekeeping operations.
During the eight-day course at the “South” Base and “Borovac” Training Ground, the participants broadened their knowledge about the activities carried out by CIMIC organizations in peacekeeping operations and received practical training for various roles in CIMIC units and teams. 
The training was delivered by a combined SAF-EUCOM team of instructors, as well as visiting lecturers from the Serbian MOI Sector for Emergency Management. 
  This joint training is a continuation of successful CIMIC cooperation between Serbian Armed Forces and U.S. Armed Forces. The objectives of the course were fully achieved, and the course participants received adequate training for carrying out specialist assignments in an international environment.