Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Members of Missile Units Prepare for Air Targets Live Firing

Units of 250th Air Defence Missile Brigade are conducting final preparations for the execution of live firing at air targets at the training area “Shabla” in the Republic of Bulgaria.
  This is the second phase of the preparations for combat crews of missile systems “Neva” and “Kub” for joint firing with members of the Armed Forces of Bulgaria, which is expected to take place this year in June.
Previously, in the process of regular training, the combat crews executed training and control-training firing at simulated targets in order to prepare in the best possible way to launch missiles in real circumstances. In this phase, the focus is placed on practicing the procedures for the immediate preparation of materiel, acquisition and engaging the targets in airspace.
Soldiers and officers from missile-technical batteries are actively involved in the preparations for the realisation of this complex task and they will be responsible for the control, testing, checking and arming the missiles.
  The first time that members of the Serbian Armed Forces engaged air targets from the Black Sea training area “Shabla” was in 2010. This year, apart from members of 250th Missile Brigade, air crews of 204th Air Brigade with MiG-29 planes will also participate in the joint live firing together with members of the Armed Forces of Bulgaria.