Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

International CIMIC Course

Directorate for civil-military cooperation (J-9) of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces organised a tactical course in the field of civil-military cooperation for members of the Serbian Armed Forces and European Command of the US Armed Forces.

The professional advancement is being conducted this and the next week in the “South” base and the training ground “Borovac” aimed at training officers and non-commissioned officers performing the duties of civil-military cooperation in the execution of functional tasks in peacekeeping operations.

The course programme envisages diverse theoretic and practical content, and the focus is placed on practising prescribed standard procedures for the work on different positions in teams for civil-military cooperation at tactical level, in situations that they may face while working with civilian organisations in international environment.

The course training is carried out by mixed instructor team from the Serbian Armed Forces and US Armed Forces, and by guest lectures from the Sector for Emergency Situations from the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia.

The joint training in the field of civil-military cooperation represents just one of numerous bilateral activities of the Serbian Armed Forces and European Command of the US Armed Forces, which contribute to the enhancement of interoperability and operational capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces.