Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Safest military drivers in 2022 announced

Traditional awards were presented to the safest drivers at the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in 2022 at the session of the Council for the Safety of Military Traffic Participants held today in the "Topčider" barracks in Belgrade.
  Today, the Council also considered the basic indicators of traffic safety in the Republic of Serbia and analyzed the level of achievement of the goals outlined in the Strategy towards the Safety of Military Traffic Participants for the period from 2022 to 2026.
In the category of non-commissioned officers, Sergeant 1st Class Goran Radosavljević from the 63rd Parachute Brigade was declared the safest driver, in the category of professional soldiers — Corporal Igor Hlatki from the 204th Air Brigade, and the safest driver among civilians was military employee Dragutin Majstorović from the 2nd Army Brigade. In the previous year, they travelled the most kilometres in military vehicles for the transport of passengers, dangerous liquid goods and outsized cargo, without being involved in any traffic accidents or committing any violations.

Awards were presented to the best drivers in 2022 by the Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Petar Cvetković, who is also the chairman of the Council for the Safety of Military Traffic Participants. Congratulating the award winners, General Cvetković said that their attitude towards tasks and adherence to laws, rules and regulations should serve as an example for both military drivers and other road traffic participants.
The Council for the Safety of Military Traffic Participants is a board of experts primarily responsible for improving the safety of military drivers, and along with the most responsible officers of the Serbian Armed Forces Traffic Service, representatives of the Traffic Safety Agency, the Ministry of the Interior, the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering in Belgrade and the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad also participate in its work.