Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Chief of Serbian Armed Forces General Staff pays visit to Italian Republic

Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, is paying an official visit to the Italian Republic at the invitation of the Chief of the Italian Defense Staff, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone.
The visit started with a formal ceremony welcoming the Serbian Armed Forces delegation, followed by a meeting between the two chiefs of defence and official talks between the two delegations at the General Staff of the Italian Army in Rome.

The meetings discussed prospects for the development of bilateral military cooperation in a number of areas of mutual interest, from joint participation in peacekeeping operations, to training and exercises, to the cooperation between the Serbian and Italian militaries in the spheres of education and economy. Regional and global security issues were also discussed, as well as the engagement of the Italian contingent as part of KFOR.

It was agreed that bilateral military cooperation was developed, intensive, substantial and showing a constant tendency towards advancement, and expectation was also expressed that the development of both military-to-military and overall defence cooperation would continue in the period to come. 
Referring to joint participation in the peacekeeping operation in Lebanon, to which the Serbian Armed Forces have deployed a platoon-sized unit since 2014, and whose responsibility is to secure the base where the Italian contingent is stationed as part of the UN peacekeeping force, the interlocutors expressed satisfaction with excellent cooperation and a high degree of professionalism of both Serbian and Italian contingents deployed on the mission.   

During his visit to Italy, the Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff has visited the Joint Operations Command, “Lancieri di Montebello” Regiment, the headquarters of the Military Intelligence Brigade and the Network Operations Command, and is yet to visit the Leonardo Company where weapons and military equipment manufactured by this company will be presented to the Serbian Armed Forces delegation.