Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Soldiers take military skills test following specialized training

Soldiers who have been doing their military service since December 2022 have undergone military skills test following their individual specialized training at SAF Training Centres.
Following the six-week training, the soldiers were required to take tests over two days, carrying out tactical missions and demonstrating, through practical actions and procedures, the  knowledge and skills they had acquired in handling weapons, combat assets and military equipment.
The results show that the soldiers have mastered the entire training content and are skilled enough to carry out tactical combat actions on the battlefield, handle different types of weapons and perform their branch/service-specific tasks.
Having passed their test, soldiers are now eligible to move on to their collective training in SAF units, where they will spend the last three months of their service.
  Once they complete their military service, soldiers will have the opportunity to join the ranks of SAF professional members, for which the majority of this class have already shown interest.