Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Meeting of Political Committee overseeing execution of National Action Plan for Implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 - Women, Peace and Security

The meeting of the Political Committee of the Government of the Republic of Serbia overseeing the execution of the National Action Plan for the Implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 - Women, Peace and Security has been held today at the Government of Serbia. The meeting was chaired by the Assistant Minister of Defence for Human Resources and the Chair of the Political Committee, Katarina Tomašević.
  At the meeting attended by the committee members and representatives of the Office for Gender Equality, Human Resources Sector, Ministry of Defence, the Report on the Execution of the Second National Action Plan for the Implementation of UNSC Resolution 1325 - Women, Peace and Security for the period of 2017-2020 was adopted.
Assistant Minister Tomašević expressed hope that a work group would be formed soon, consisting of representatives of ministries and other state bodies and organisations, that would take part in the drafting of the third National Action Plan. She also emphasized that the selection for a civilian organisation to be included in the drafting of this document was currently underway.  
The meeting attendees agreed that it was necessary to include as many social actors as possible, particularly the academic community representatives, in the drafting of the third National Action Plan.  

Assistant Minister Tomašević announced that representatives of the Ministry of Defence would submit draft guidelines for the preparation of the future National Action Plan to members of the Political Committee for consideration, in order to start drafting it as soon as possible.
The report drawn up at the Political Committee meeting will be submitted to the Government of the Republic of Serbia for adoption.