Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Public Relations Department Delegation Visits Algeria

A delegation of the Public Relations Department led by its Head, Colonel Mihailo Zogović PhD pays an official visit to Communication, Information and Orientation Directorate of the Armed Forces of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria at the invitation of the Head of that Directorate General Major Saba Mabrouk. Following the introductory reception arranged by the hosts in honour of the Serbian delegation, Colonel Zogović expressed his satisfaction with the opportunity to visit Algeria for the first time with his associates precisely in the year when that friendly state marks the sixtieth anniversary of its renewed gaining of independence.
He said that defence cooperation between Serbia and Algeria has been developing intensively founded on traditional friendship, and he expressed his expectation that the relations will be deepened in all areas including the field of strategic communications. After the opening address of General Mabrouk and the presentation of the purview of work and organisation of the Directorate, Zogović stressed that the exchange of experience between the Public Relations Department and the counterpart unit of the Algerian Armed Forces can be mutually beneficial.
General Mabrouk reminded that the close relations between Algeria and Serbia go back to the times of Algerian revolution when Yugoslavia was one of the countries that actively supported the fight for freedom and independence of the people there. Mabrouk stressed that Algeria will never forget that support and particularly underlined the merit of the famous Serbian cameraman Stevan Labudović who recorded with his camera the most valuable details from the age of the Revolution and preserved the memory of the most significant period of modern Algerian history.
On that occasion, Colonel Zogović presented to General Mabrouk a collection of archival recordings of Stevan Labudović from the age of Algerian revolution which the Public Relations Department had gathered and prepared in collaboration with the National Institution “Film News”.
The delegation of the Public Relations Department had an opportunity to visit the Central Military Museum and National Military Publishing Centre, and the continuation of the several-day long official visit brought the familiarisation with the purview of work of the High Military School for Information and Communication, Central Military Institution for Audio-Visual Work and the visit to the Printing House of the People’s Armed Forces.