Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

High fire accuracy of towed artillery

Members of the Mixed Artillery Brigade have successfully completed the training activities and live firing which have lasted for several days at “Pasuljanske Livade“ military complex.
  The training was conducted by members of the gun-howitzer battalion subordinate to this Brigade, in order to maintain and improve the level of proficiency in providing artillery support to Army units.
The artillerymen conducted a series of tactical exercises at the training ground practicing gun emplacement and displacement, reconnaissance, target acquisition, firing data calculation and fire adjustment, followed by repeated firing practices and live firing using the 152 mm M-84 “Nora” towed gun-howitzers.
  The achieved artillery live firing results indicate that unit members are perfectly skilled in delivering a sudden, accurate and efficient fire on the assigned targets, thus making a tremendous contribution to the success of defensive and offensive operations.
The training, which has just been completed, is part of more comprehensive training activities carried out by the Mixed Artillery Brigade in the field. These are conducted in cycles throughout the year to ensure greater readiness for carrying out unit-specific missions.