Expert Talks on Flight Safety in Air Operations
This week, a delegation of the Ohio National Guard Air Force is paying an official visit to the Air Force and Air Defence aimed at holding expert talks in the field of flight safety in air operations.

The three-day visit is being conducted with the purpose of sharing professional experiences and analysing key issues significant for flight safety during the execution of air operations both at tactical and operational levels.

The focus of the talks is placed on the prevention of threats to flight safety, and on measures for a comprehensive, objective and systematic examination of every threat to security in order to detect the causes and take suitable corrective measures. The realisation of this activity represents a continuation of a long-standing successful cooperation between the Air Force of the Serbian Armed Forces and Ohio National Guard in the field of flight safety, and it also contributes to the enhancement of the process of planning air operations in the Serbian Armed Forces and the interoperability of the Air Force and Air Defence.