SAF Peacekeeping Operations Centre strengthening
A military ceremony was held today at the "South" Base near Bujanovac to celebrate the re-subordination of the Multinational Operations Training Centre to the Peacekeeping Operations Centre, Operations Department (J-3), Serbian Armed Forces General Staff.
The re-subordination procedure has been carried out in accordance with the planned organizational changes in the Serbian Armed Forces in order to improve the organization and achieve even better results in making individual and collective preparations for participation in multinational operations.
In this way, the Peacekeeping Operations Centre has integrated most of the tasks relating to training, equipment provision, preparations and deployment of MOD and SAF service members and units to missions outside the borders of the Republic of Serbia.
The Multinational Operations Training Centre, which has been subordinated to the Army so far, delivers collective training to troops engaged in the second mission of the Serbian Armed Forces and provides assistance in evaluation and certification of our military units and partner countries prior to their deployment to peacekeeping operations. This unit has the necessary infrastructure, the most modern training equipment, experienced and trained instructors, all of which make it unique in the region and a potential regional pre-deployment centre.