Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

63rd Parachute Brigade combat teams undergo training

Members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade have performed parachute jumps in the wider area surrounding the city of Novi Pazar tonight.
They parachuted from Mi-8 helicopters using the high altitude, low opening (HALO) technique and special wing-type parachutes which allow precision landing into inaccessible terrain.  

The 63rd Parachute Brigade combat teams have conducted their night-time training in the presence of Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović. On that occasion, he confirmed that professional members of this unit were remarkably skilled in performing freefall parachute jumps with the equipment and weapons and performing battle action following helicopter landing.
Night jumps from different types of aircraft are one of the most important segments of advanced paratrooper training designed to prepare and check the ability of the 63rd Parachute Brigade special teams to carry out combat missions and execute vertical manoeuvres in unfamiliar areas at night, achieving the element of surprise.
  Continuous execution of complex combat training in all weather conditions and on all types of terrain provides members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade with a high level of training and physical and mental fitness, increasing the overall readiness of this elite Serbian Armed Forces unit for the execution of special combat activities and operations of special importance.