Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Humanitarian mine action instructor training

Members of the Serbian Armed Forces who have successfully completed the first level of EOD training according to international standards, have received the title of first-level training instructors in humanitarian mine action.
  The training was carried out last and this year in collaboration with the United States European Command (EUCOM) as part of the Humanitarian Mine Action Project, and was successfully attended by members of the Demining and EOD Platoon (310th Engineer Battalion, 3rd Army Brigade) and Air Force and Air Defence pyrotechnicians.
The training and certification of SAF members was carried out by EUCOM instructors, and this activity is a continuation of successful cooperation and contributes to further improvement of the Serbian Armed Forces’ EOD capabilities.
Members of the Serbian Armed Forces who have earned the title of training instructors will continue their further training under the Humanitarian Mine Action Project in order to gain additional knowledge and skills and acquire the highest level of competence in this field.
  The certificate presentation ceremony, held yesterday at the "Ratko Pavlović Ćićko" barracks in Prokuplje, was attended by representatives of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff and the US Office of Defence Cooperation in Belgrade.