Training in Fighting Vehicle Operation in Peackeeping Operations
The training is attended by professional soldiers, all being experienced in operating motor vehicles, who are being prepared for the engagement as part of Infantry company of the Serbian Armed Forces in United Nations peacekeeping operation in Lebanon.
The aim of this additional training is to train the soldiers in safe operation of fighting vehicles to be used during the execution of the tasks in the area of operation in Lebanon, and in their maintenance and repair of possible breakdowns.

The soldiers firstly gain theoretical knowledge about the characteristics of vehicles, special systems and devices and their specificities, and then, on driving practice areas, they are trained in precise operation on different terrains, obstacle overcoming, driving on slopes and in driving by night in unfavourable meteorological conditions.
Upon the completion of the training in fighting vehicles operation, the soldiers will take tests and competence check, and they will upgrade the knowledge and skills that they have acquired in the Army Training Centre, during collective training for the infantry company for the participation in the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Lebanon.