Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Visit to Central Logistics Base units

Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, visited today one of the Central Logistics Base units in the vicinity of Belgrade used as quartermaster storage.
  On that occasion, General Mojsilović inspected the storage facilities, organization of life and work, conditions in which personnel of this unit perform their assignments and their competence for the duties they perform.
Concluding his visit, Chief of the General Staff expressed his satisfaction with the conditions for storing food supplies and other SAF quartermaster equipment, and measures taken at the Central Logistics Base for further enhancement of its storage facilities.
  Chief of the General Staff emphasized that, pursuant to an order by Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces and President of the Republic Aleksandar Vučić, SAF strategic reserves were fully stocked, estimating that this was a way to ensure safe provisions in case of market shocks.
Members of this unit, playing a critical part in the functioning of the defence system although often not as visible as their colleagues from other SAF components, were praised by General Mojsilović for their professional attitude to work and commitment to undertaking all measures in order to store and preserve the assets within their responsibility to the highest standards in this field.