Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

“Stanislav Binički“ Artistic Ensemble gives gala concert to mark Serbian Armed Forces Day

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has attended a gala concert organized by the Ministry of Defence "Stanislav Binički" Artistic Ensemble and guests. Tonight’s concert, held in Belgrade's Kombank Hall to mark the Serbian Armed Forces Day, was a gift to the audience. They could enjoy this lavish musical evening for free.
  The concert hall was filled to capacity and the audience had the opportunity to enjoy listening to "Legende" and "Neverne Bebe” musical bands perform their recognizable songs, along with the Binički Light Orchestra’s and Mixed Choir’s performances. The percussionists of the Guards Representative Orchestra gave an outstanding performance adding to the quality of the programme.
The orchestra and the choir were conducted by Katarina Božić and Major Igor Mitrović, who were joined on stage by the Commander of the Guards Representative Orchestra, Lieutenant Colonel Aleksandar Đurov.

A pleasant surprise for the audience was the premiere of "Heart, Be Still", song video featured in “Gladly Does a Serb Become a Soldier”, a film made by the Public Relations Department’s Binički Ensemble and Zastava Film Military Film Centre.
  The programme, which started with "Fanfare", followed by the famous marches "Miloš the Great" and "Field Marshal Stepa’s March", was a mixture of traditional and popular music, with "Jeremija" song performed by the Mixed Choir soloists Svetozar Vujić, Dragan Milanović, Zoran Knežević and Strahinja Tričković serving as a smooth musical transition.
This was followed by the compositions "In the Forests and Mountains", "My Country" performed by Biljana Vasiljević Mitrović, "Heart of a Hero" and the touching "Košare Fairy" performed solo by conductor Katarina Božic. The song "We Love You, Our Homeland" was sung by Biljana Vasiljević Mitrović and Zoran Knežević.
  The hits by the musical band "Legende" drew loud applause, as well as the compositions "Lads Were Dancing" and "Shepherd’s Ballad" brilliantly performed by Binički’s clarinettist, Major Duško Stamenković. The song "Balkan Chest" was sung by Dragan Milanović, and Kerber’s "Migrations" by Zoran Knežević.

The hits "God is Great" and "Look at the Sun" by the popular band "Neverne Bebe" followed, and then the audience was treated to the eternal hit "Friends Forever" performed by the Mixed Choir soloists Biljana Vasiljević Mitrović, Marijana Radosavljević, Dragan Milanović and Svetozar Vujić. The songs "This is Serbia" and "March to River Drina" received a huge ovation.

After the audience called for an encore, “Stanislav Binički" Ensemble performed the composition “1300 Corporals“, and the ensemble’s clarinettist, Major Duško Stamenković, brilliantly performed the “Shepherd’s Ballad” once again, earning a huge applause.
The concert was attended by members of the Defence Minister’s and Chief of the General Staff’s collegiums, members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and a large audience.