Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović lays wreath at Monument to Pilots - Defenders of Belgrade

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has laid a wreath today at the Monument to Pilots - Defenders of Belgrade at the Zemun Quay to mark the Beginning of the Second World War Remembrance Day. Today, he said, we are building strong Armed Forces so that we are never powerless again and so that we never have to sacrifice the lives of our heroes again, strong Armed Forces that will not allow anyone to even think about threatening the peace of mind of our people and our freedom.
- By taking the oath of enlistment, the soldier swears allegiance to his homeland, and for them this is not an empty promise, but a pledge that they will protect and defend their country regardless of the enemy they are faced with. That is how it is today and that is how it was at the beginning of the Second World War, in former Yugoslavia - said Stefanović.

The Minister of Defence said that on April 6, 1941, our country had been the target of a much more powerful enemy.

- On this day, more than eight decades ago, our country was attacked by a much more powerful enemy. Unfortunately, it was neither the first nor the last time. On April 6, 1941, in the early morning, the German attack on Belgrade and Yugoslavia began. Without a declaration of war, the attack began with sudden air strikes and a rapid penetration of armoured mechanized units. Our infinitely weaker air force opposed - said Stefanović.
  The Minister of Defence said that the names of the 6th Fighter Air Wing pilots, who had defended the skies of our country that day, would be remembered forever.
- Miloš Žunić, Miha Klavor, Živica Mitrović, Dušan Boričić, Jovan Kapešić, Dobrica Novaković, Branislav Todorović, Karl Štrbnek, Milutin Petrov, Milivoje Bošković and Vladimir Gorup - these are the names that will be remembered forever. Even though far weaker than the enemy, they defended the skies of our homeland to the last breath. They managed to shoot down over forty bombers and fighters and damage a large percentage of the aggressor forces. They were members of our elite unit - the 6th Fighter Air Wing - said Minister Stefanović, addressing the gathering.

They knew, he said, that they will lose their lives, but they never hesitated.

- By taking the oath, soldiers swear allegiance to their fatherland and vow to defend their people, and this is not an empty promise, as I said. And on April 6, Serbian soldiers defended their own territory, they did not attack anyone. This has always been the case throughout our history. We have always defended our right to be free and independent. We have always been on the just and peaceful side of history, unlike many, we have always been on the side of good. Even today, we proudly repeat that we are an anti-fascist nation. We preserve the memories of all our known and unknown heroes who won our freedom with their exploits and enabled us to create a better future for ourselves and our descendants - said Minister Stefanović.
According to Minister Stefanović, we preserve the memory of such events, which are also a great experience, and that is exactly why we want to build strong armed forces.

- Armed Forces strong enough to prevent any aggressor from dropping bombs on our children, our streets, houses, hospitals and schools. Strong Armed Forces that will not allow anyone to even think about threatening the peace of mind of our people and our freedom. We never want to lose another Miloš, Miha, Živica, Dušan, Jovan, Dobrica, Branislav, Karl, Milutin, Milivoje and Vladimir. That is why strive to equip our Air Force and Air Defence today. So that we are never powerless again and so that we never have to sacrifice the lives of our heroes, so that bravery is not the only thing they have to defend their country with. That is the only way for us to preserve our right to make decisions exclusively in the interest of our people. And we are deeply indebted to 11 pilots and all our ancestors who won us that right laying down their lives. May your memory be eternal. Thank you! - said Minister Stefanović at the end of his address.
The gathering began with a minute’s silence to remember the victims of the April 6, 1941 bombing. Besides Minister Stefanović, Nikola Nikodijević, Chairman of the Assembly of the City of Belgrade, a delegation representing the Air Force and Air Defence Command, representatives of SUBNOR (Union of War Veterans of the National Liberation Wars of Serbia) and Generals and Admirals Club, 63rd Parachute Brigade veterans, members of the 6th Division and “Kurjaci from Ušće” associations, and representatives of the "I love Zemun" citizens’ association also laid wreaths.

The traditional ceremony in remembrance of the defenders of Belgrade at the Zemun Quay was also attended by Deputy Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence, Brigadier General Željko Bilić, Guard Commander, Brigadier General Nikola Dejanović, and Training Command Chief of Staff, Brigadier General Muharem Fazlić.