Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Memorial service for Lieutenant Colonel Dejan Stanojević

A memorial service honouring Lieutenant Colonel Dejan Stanojević, who was killed in a helicopter crash in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has been held today at the Military Club in Niš.
Members of Lieutenant Colonel Stanojević's family, Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, top military officers, Dejan's teammates, relatives and friends attended the memorial service.
  Head of the Operations Department (J-3), Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Želimir Glišović, addressed the gathering, emphasizing that Lieutenant Colonel Dejan Stanojević had made an enormous contribution to the Serbian Armed Forces with his virtues and loyalty to the homeland.
- I can bear witness to your excellence as a member of the UN peacekeeping forces in the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo. The Serbian Armed Forces deploy only the best individuals outside the borders of our country, the ones who will represent our armed forces, state and nation in the best possible way, in the most difficult circumstances – said General Glišović.
  On behalf of his teammates, Lieutenant Colonel Bojan Kocić, Commander of the 2nd Eletronic Warfare Battalion, bid a final farewell to Lieutenant Colonel Stanojević. He said that Dejan had regarded participation in the peacekeeping mission as a professional challenge that he had wanted to take on, representing himself as a soldier, his unit and the Serbian Armed Forces in the best possible way.
Lieutenant Colonel Dejan Stanojević was born on December 22, 1979 and he served in the Serbian Armed Forces since September 28, 2002. He died on March 29 in a helicopter crash that occurred while undertaking a regular aerial reconnaissance mission in the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the DR Congo (MONUSCO).
The Serbian Armed Forces have lost a respectable service member, an excellent officer and an expert member of electronic warfare units. He was awarded and commended several times in his successful military career. He is survived by his wife and two children.