Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Stefanović: False allegations of misuse of “Kobre”

BELGRADE, March 31 (Tanjug) - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović reacted to the "Direktno" portal's reports that “Kobre”, the elite unit of the Serbian Armed Forces, are being misused, dismissing those claims as untrue.

In a statement issued to the media, Stefanović says that he will never come to terms or remain silent on the texts slandering the Serbian Armed Forces and their members, such as the text published on the "Direktno" portal today.
  "This text brutally attacks the dignity and integrity of members of our elite “Kobre” unit, which I will never allow. I want to raise my voice at the time when our armed forces are doing the most complex tasks and when they are a guarantor of stability and peace in our country," said Stefanović.

He adds that "untruths published by Đilas” on his "Direktno" portal speak volumes about him and his media, and says that the claims made in the text could not be further from the truth and that the citizens of Serbia should know that.

“Namely, as someone who knows all these guys and is protected by members of the “Kobre” unit, and it was another lie they published, saying that I, as the Minister of Defence, am not protected by the “Kobre”, I have the honour and privilege to know the guys who provide protection to President Vučić and all other protected persons", said Stefanović.

He says that these are extremely modest, honest and responsible people, first and foremost patriots, who fight for their country, who are highly trained, and ready to protect their country, their armed forces, their people and our vital interests at any time and in any situation, whether counter-terrorism or any other situation.
“I cannot come to terms or watch silently as they speak harshly about President Vučić and his family members, who neither chose whether they would be protected, nor who would protect them, nor in what way. But they have to be protected”, Stefanović pointed out. He adds that such attacks, which aim at harming the armed forces and President Vučić, must get the “response they deserve”.
Stefanović points out that, thanks to President Vučić, we can invest much more in the armed forces than those who write about soldiers today, used to invest.

"It is a disgrace that they attack soldiers in such a way every day, the soldiers who are always there for their people, wherever needed”, said Stefanović.

The "Direktno" portal published an article today stating that the elite “Kobre” unit is being misused to protect the president, members of his family and certain government officials, stating that this is outside their job description.

Also, the text claims that they receive payoffs "under the table" for protecting those persons.

Source: Tanjug